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How can your dangerous driving habits lead to vehicular homicide?

On Behalf of | Oct 15, 2019 | Uncategorized

Car accidents happen all the time in Washington. Typically, they are minor fender benders that result in nothing more than some bumps and bruises. However, serious accidents also happen quite often.  It is very easy for anyone to find themselves facing vehicular homicide charges. All it takes is one second to change a number of lives. A bad decision or a wrong choice can suddenly mean someone has lost his or her life and you are sitting in handcuffs. It really can happen to anyone because dangerous driving habits are something everyone let becomes desensitized to. Nobody thinks it will happen to them. 

At the same time, you can be a wonderful driver who follows all the law to the letter, but you still are not immune to a vehicular homicide charge because, as Driver Safely explains, one of the biggest risks on the road to you is other drivers. You can control what happens in your vehicle or what you do when biking or walking on the roadway, but you can never control what someone else does behind the wheel. 

Whether you make the mistake or another driver makes the mistake, it is all a moot point when someone ends up dead and someone else is facing a criminal charge. That is why now is the time to be more defensive about your driving and to discover the habits you need to break. 

To start, make sure that you follow the law and do not let things slip. It may not seem too serious when you rush through a yellow light, but it can be if it turns red as you pass under it and the other traffic starts to go. The same is true for not paying attention to signs that provide warnings or instructions. Even not using your turning signal could lead to a bad accident, so make it a habit. 

Keeping a good distance between you and other vehicles, making sure you are aware of where other vehicles are around you and properly moving in and out of traffic are some last things you want to do to stay safe and avoid a horrific accident. This information is for education and is not legal advice.